Author: Mel (Top Eczema Treatments)

5 Tips to Dining Out With EczemaDining out should be the event you deserve. The goal is to enjoy the company of friends and family whom you love and enjoy sharing laughs with while you break the proverbial bread together. This is the epitome of what dining out should be.However, this carefree way of spending your free…

Eczema on face: Best creams and what to avoid For most of us, the last place we want to have eczema in on our face. It is our most distinguishing body part which we generally spend the most amount of time caring for. We preen it, we nurture it, and we are identified by it….

Topical Steroid Withdrawal Ooze: A Complete GuideThis unsightly symptom can sometimes occur in eczema sufferers, but is unfortunately a very common occurrence during Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW) also known as Red Skin Syndrome (RSS). It is also in my metaphorical top 3 list of things I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. To the layman, this…

Manuka Honey for Eczema: A Complete Guide INCLUDING RECIPES AND PRODUCT COMPARISONS The benefits of honey can go much further than making your cup of tea taste better. In fact, if you’ve suffered with eczema for a while, then you may have already heard of Manuka honey being touted as of one of the super foods…

13 Good Foods for Eczema SufferersToday I wanted to have a look at 13 good foods that can help treat eczema naturally.Eczema, or Atopic Dermatitis, is a condition which causes the skin to become inflamed and irritated. While extremely common in children, still affects around 10% of the adult population totaling over 30 million people in the…

Essential Oils for EczemaFor the often dry, cracked and shedding skin of the eczema or topical steroid withdrawal sufferer, keeping the skin moisturized is the critical difference between feeling comfortable, and wearing clothes covered in skin flakes or blood.This unfortunate cocktail of inadequate hydration and chronic itch means the skin seems to scream out for…

How to party when you have eczema or TSW Eczema and topical steroid withdrawal steals many things from us: our looks, our sleep, our money, our time, our sanity, and our need for social connection and fun through the medium of partying. It’s no surprise this issue is a regular topic of discontent. People are…

11 Amazing things that happen to eczema when you quit alcohol To all the Boozy-Suzy’s, wino’s, beer-tap Barry’s, whiskey connoisseurs, and rum-heads alike! You like a drink, I like a drink, let’s not beat around the bush. Everyone loves to get a buzz on and let the good times flow, but lately you’ve been getting…

12 Reasons Why People With Eczema Are Awesome To all my eczema and topical steroid friends out there, you will relate to some, or possibly all of these character traits. Your experiences are grounding, character building and they are inevitably making you undeniably a very cool person! To those who know someone with eczema; let…

11 Hacks to a better sleep with Eczema and Topical Steroid WithdrawalJust when you thought you were suffering enough, life gives you a reminder that things can always get worse… and there is almost nothing worse than the combination of suffering in your own skin due to eczema and not being able to sleep.Sleep is…