Will fluoride affect your eczema?

Will fluoride affect your eczema?

Fluoride is a naturally occurring substance which is present in food as well as natural water supplies however is no longer considered essential for human growth as it is not in any natural human metabolic pathway.

The fluoride added to many water supplies is administered under the banner of ‘public service’ to promote dental health. I could go into a rant on why forced medicating is unethical, but the facts really speak for themselves.

Except for the UK, fluoride is banned from every European nation with only 372 million people worldwide receive artificially fluoridated water. That is just under 6% of the worlds population. Now, there may be a good reason for the small number of participants here so lets take a look.

Why is fluoride seen as a social pariah by many?

Now linked to the following health issues, many countries are dropping their use of this toxic substance:

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The bottom line for your eczema

Fluoride’s impact on the health of someone with eczema is that much like chlorine, fluoride can be toxic and have negative impacts on the body and the skin of the individual. The amount of fluoride added to tap water is said to be within safe limits, however when the body of an eczema sufferer is already overloaded, adding further burden, regardless of how small it is perceived, is going to create further burden which could easily be avoided. It is also prudent to understand that boiling water will concentrate the levels of fluoride, not reduce it. This is why proper steps are recommended to improve the quality of the water used for bathing and drinking with the use of special filters (for bathing) and distillation (for drinking) in the absence of pure rain water.

For some ideas on what to do to help reduce the amount of chemicals and other eczema aggravating particulates from your tap water, check out our article for some solutions.

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