Bentonite Clay and Eczema Treatments

Bentonite Clay as an Eczema Treatment

If all of the previously mentioned eczema bath treatments have not provided your dear skin some comfort, then hopefully bentonite clay will.

Bentonite clay, also known as calcium bentonite or green clay, has been around for many years and over a myriad of industries for a multitude of uses. Ranging from industrial adoptions such as in engineering, agriculture, paper making and foundry uses through to the health and beauty industry for stomach upsets, skin health and toxin and heavy metal removal.

There is a reason bentonite clay is a common product and that is because it's just so darn good!
Bentonite clay and eczema

How Bentonite Clay Works

To explain how bentonite clay works, we first have to cover some very simple science.

Bentonite clay has a negative charge, much like distilled water or rainwater (more on this here). The toxins and irritants in and on your body such as bacteria, heavy metals and allergens are mostly positively charged.

Now, due to the absorbent and porous nature of green clay and the opposing charged particles, the clay will actually draw in these nasties and lock them within its own framework. Boom... detox!

The result is very soothed and relaxed eczema with most people reporting almost immediate relief.

This is why bentonite clay is a hugely popular treatment for people suffering from severe eczema and also those going through topical steroid withdrawal.

How to use Bentonite Clay on Eczema

The application of this clay can be performed using a few different methods.

It can be added to the bath, which will allow a good amount of time for the product to work its magic.

Another topical method is to make it into a paste and apply it directly to the affected area until the clay has dried. The only downside to this paste method is that the longer it can stay on the skin ‘wet’, the longer it can do its job and so quicker drying means less benefit.

The final method is as an internal cleanse, used for helping digestion issues and detoxing. Taking bentonite clay in this manner is done by mixing the clay powder with water and drinking. Yummy!

How often should should you use Bentonite Clay on Eczema?

This clay is very alkalizing for the skin and shouldn’t be used too often as it can disrupt the pH of the skin which as I’ve mentioned earlier, is not going to benefit your eczema treatment in the long run.

It has been said that the benefits of taking bentonite clay internally are many, however always make sure you do your research before using and always chose a good quality clay, definitely one that is good enough for drinking such as the ones I have listed here:
Pure Clay Premium Calcium Bentonite
Molivera Organics Bentonite Clay

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